Tuesday, September 21, 2004

It's a......Baby!

So. Had the amnio today. Once again I was shocked to see the little heart beating on the monitor. Everything looks like it's in the right place so far. They couldn't tell the sex because baby had his/her legs crossed. The doctor suggested that the amnio is no more uncomfortable than getting blood drawn. He forgot to add, "...if someone were to punch you in the uterus while you were getting your blood drawn." The poke isn't a big deal, that's true, but the needle-through-the-uterus is a bit more intense. Not really painful, exactly, just startling. I flinched, and immediately apologized (more to the baby than to the doctor) for moving when there was a needle perilously close to baby's private parts. They switched on New Age music and one of the assistants rubbed my legs. I knew I should've shaved them when I shaved my belly this morning, but I was short on time and I didn't think anyone was going to be doing anything with my legs. As soon as the needle came out, Boom! Music off and no more leg massage. Sheesh.

I came home and G appropriately bought me flowers and took care of A until his nap so I could "take it easy." I napped, and dreamt about bleeding again. I've had lots of these dreams during this pregnancy. It's always about the amount of a period, so it's not a hemmorrage, but it's still too much blood and I realize the baby's in trouble and I need to get to the hospital, but I know they probably won't be able to do anything. I hate these dreams. I always wake up and it takes me a minute to realize I'd been dreaming and that I wasn't bleeding.

But I'm beginning to believe that I'm going to have a baby. Much as I prepare for him/her to leave, and as screwed up as my brain gets, and despite the fact that I'm still drinking some caffeine, he/she doesn't seem to be going anywhere and in fact seems to be developing all the little organs and body parts he/she is supposed to. Maybe we ought to start telling people (I mean, besides the blogosphere).


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