Monday, April 23, 2007

A (first day back to school after spring break): Teacher asked us all what we did for Spring Break.

Me: What did you say?

A: That we went to the mall and ate pizza.

Me: Did you tell her about going to Mama's old school (UC Berkeley) and seeing the T Rex skeleton?

A: No.

Me: Did you tell her about going up to the top of the Campanile and seeing all the way to San Francisco?

A: No.

Me: Did you tell her about going to the airplane museum?

A: No.

Me: Did you tell her about going to the library and playing at the fountain?

A: No.

Of course not. He told her he went to the mall and ate pizza. I feel like I should send an explanatory note:

Dear Miss Michelle,

On A's Spring Break, we did not go to the mall and eat pizza. We went to the mall and ate chicken nuggets. But that was just one day and it was after an hour at the bouncy house. On the other days we did very educational and enriching activities that I assure you A. enjoyed while he was doing them.

Thank you,
A's Mother

And because I feel like sharing pictures, here are the boys at Costco. A is asleep in the cart. He fell asleep on the way there, so I propped him up in the back of the cart and he slept like this through the entire shopping trip. This was just before I took them out and put them back in the car. People don't believe me when I say nothing wakes that kid up.

Ben: "A. westing. Shhhh."

And here's after A. discovered the self-timer on the camera (I was taking before and after pics of myself). He was fascinated by it and wanted to show G how "the camera can take a picture all by itself!"

So we did a family shot by propping the camera on the table and Ben's like, "What the hell?"


Princess PinkLady said...

Your kids are SO damn cute. I love A. sleeping in the grocery cart..that's too funny! :)

brandii said...

I'd talk about the pizza too :)

Beastarzmom said...

Or he could have said,
"Dear Miss Michelle,
I went to a bunch of really weird places on my spring break and my mama wanted me to learn all kinds of stuff about old dusty things that break if I touch them and there was a lot of walking and I don't know what else but really all I wanted to do was eat pizza but instead we had to have chicken nuggets.
Oh, and btw, I had to sell all my videos too.
double sigh."

And he's totally believable. Be grateful for small favors!

Beastarzmom said...

btw#2 - before and after what?

Lunasea said...

*After* losing 8 lbs. - we're starting a new round of the exercise challenge I belong to.

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