Thursday, July 08, 2004

Lunasea, you just discovered you're pregnant! What are you gonna do now?

I'm goin' to Disneyland!! Yep, where else would I want to spend a week of my first, nauseated and dragging trimester but in Disneyland partying with a bunch of morticians? G is presenting at the mortician conference (yes, at Disneyland), and so we got 2 nights free at the Disneyland hotel, and then we're paying for two more nights at the conference rate, so all in all, it still pretty much costs his whole fee. I cannot believe how much they charge to get in - we're probably only going to do a few rides with the munchkin, so we're paying over $50 a day to shop and eat expensive food. And we got about $100 off buying the passes through ebay.

We get to party with the morticians at a beach party, and join them for the Batesville Casket Company Breakfast. You can't make this stuff up. I can't wait to see the exhibit hall.


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