Friday, September 30, 2005

The Fun Never Ends

Well, it has just been a barn-burner of a week here at Chez Lunasea. Ben has cut two teeth, which means he bites me in a very tender place and I'm thisclose to weaning him. He thinks it's funny when I yell. G. rejected my suggestion of putting some very tender part of his body in Ben's jaws to see what it felt like. Still, it's kind of cool to have a kid who gets teeth right around the time he's supposed to. Aidan didn't get teeth until he was well over a year.

I'm a great-aunt, now, too, which almost makes me feel older than my upcoming 40th birthday. Big Niece had sweet great-nephew-baby on Tuesday. It's fun when someone else is going through it. I can be all, "Oh, a brand new baby! How sweet! I'm so excited!" without all the raging hormones, pain and thoughts of "oh my god what have I gotten myself into...I've changed my mind..." that ricochet through a new mom's head. He's hella cute, which isn't surprising since Mom and Dad are quite cute, too.

So I'm sorry I've been out of touch. But really, the longest conversation I had today was with Aidan and it involved the laundry. The most excitement we had today was with Ben and it involved my ability to be on this side of his head, and then, just like that! be on the other side of his head. First I'm over here by this ear, then I'm over by this ear! How does that happen? It was hysterical in 6-month-old land. Poor kid was crying he was laughing so hard. And you wonder why I've eaten half a carton of ice cream tonight after they've finally gone to sleep. The ice cream never talks back, it doesn't want another glass of water or to know what every freakin' sound was. It just lets me enjoy it. By the way, it's Dreyer's new Drumstick flavor. Oh yeah. That's what I'm talkin' bout.


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