Thursday, October 07, 2004

Good things about having two boys....

1. They adore their mamas.
2. We won't be on the hook for expensive weddings.
3. I can avoid the Barbie thing completely - unless, of course, we have a little boy who is really into Barbie, which is a bridge we'll cross when we get there. Even the boys I know who have liked dolls, though, haven't been as ALL ABOUT BARBIE as the girls.
4. G. gets to take them to the bathroom when we're out.
5. They're less obsessive about their clothes.
6. They're less obsessive about their weight.
7. Fewer hair products.
8. Probably won't be stealing my makeup (see #3).

OK, I know these are sweeping generalizations. But I'm going to be surrounded by penises (in fact, I'm making one as we speak) so I gotta look at the bright side.


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