Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Happy Blog-Day to Me

Just realized my blog's birthday was a week and a half ago. Everyday Lunasea has been a presence on the web for a year now! She started out as "La la la la lemon", which I still think is a cool name for a blog, but only Sesame Street fans understood it, so we changed her name to Everyday Lunasea.

And my real birthday is tomorrow. I can't help but notice that nothing on my wish lists (to the left) has been bought. How can I help you if you won't help yourself?

We're heading to Monterey this weekend for an overnighter. Everyone asks, "Oh, are you leaving A?" No. I actually want to bring him. I'm excited to show him the fishies because I think he's going to spin into ecstasy. He tends to be very enthusiastic, which I'm usually happy about. The leader of story time at the library today said, "Gosh, he's so animated! Especially for someone his age!" Yeah, well, all the other 2-year-olds are jaded.

Sometimes it can be embarrassing. Last year at Thanksgiving, he nearly passed out from excitement when my sister turned the lamp on and off in the family room. We do have electricity at home, too, I reminded him. You'd think we raised him in a dungeon.


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