Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Tuesday Randomness

1. I picked up the toys today. We have no storage system for them yet (I want to buy something big, plastic and cheap, G wants to go all Pottery Barn on me) so it currently involves stacking the toys against the wall, but still, we can walk across the floor again. Whenever I asked A where something was, he'd answer, "Under couch!" He was often right.

2. I bought a nipple shield (not the Janet Jackson kind - this kind) the other day because nursing A has begun to feel like rubbing my boob against a cheese grater. I stuck it on (what's with there being only one in a package???) and A took one look at it, peeled it off, put it on top of my head and said, "Hat!"

3. Our neighbor's cat died the other day. Tino was a nice cat who let A poke him in the face. A has never mentioned Tino except when he's seen him outside wandering into our yard. But, the day after Tino died, A woke up saying, "Find Tino! Find Tino!" Weird. He's asked to find him twice since then. If I was groovy, I'd think Tino had visited A in his sleep to say goodbye. But I'm not that groovy so I'm just going to take it as a commentary on how we should appreciate our neighbor's cats and Find Them while they're here.

4. They should make nipple shields like condoms. They don't, and I've got a good half an inch to fill with the standard size. I've seen enough porno to know that my nipples are not that weird, although I have to admit, I didn't pay that much attention to the women's nipples. No wonder A thought it was a hat.


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