Friday, January 14, 2005


One of the things I adore about A. is that he's very affectionate. He loves to snuggle, and a couple times a day spontaneously cries, "Big Huuuuuuuuug!" and throws his arms around me. However....for the last few days he's been in a full oedipal-breast-worship phase and I'm sooo over it.

I think I nursed A. once last week when we were in bed and he wanted to get up and I didn't. Other than that time, we haven't nursed in weeks, which is fine by me because it still feels like rubbing my boobs against a cheese grater (I really didn't want to get out of bed that day).

But, nursing has been replaced by fondling. Not discreet fondling or a little feel-ya-up, either. It's full-on patting, rubbing, burying-the-face-in-my-chest and kissing-my-T-shirt type of fondling. While making high-pitched noises. Constantly. It's as if he and They have this special relationship and I'm just a third wheel. I can't politely excuse myself, though, because They are attached to my chest. Another suggestion for Whoever's In Charge of Mommy Design - detachable breasts.

So I've got one on the inside kickboxing his way out*, and one on the outside trying to meld into my chest. This is one of those days when I'm ready for the baby wagon to come by and take both of them away.

*I found the kick count chart I kept with A. recently - where you keep track of how long it takes the fetus to kick 10 times. A. was usually good for 10 kicks in anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour. This kid, when he's awake, can do 10 kicks in two minutes. It's like bam bam bam bam bam let-me-out-it's-too-cramped-in-here! Sorry, kid, I didn't ask to be only 5 feet tall. Believe me, it would be a lot different if I were in charge of Mommy Design.


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