Friday, January 21, 2005

Trying to Find Order in Randomness

1. I think I understand what it's like to be 2 years old and not understand the rules of the game you seem to be playing. Yesterday I was cleaning out a closet and A. kept coming in, tapping me on the shoulder and saying, "Susie! Susie!" and then some sentence that seemed to include the words "red cones." I eventually figured out he was saying, "Excuse me!" and asking me if I had red cones (I think). I didn't know why he'd think of red cones, so I suggested maybe he was asking for raincoats?

Then he started coming in, tapping me on the shoulder, saying, "Excuse me! Excuse me!" (Still sounded like "Susie! Susie!")

I'd say, "Yes?"

He'd say, "Got any red cones or raincoats?"

I'd say, "No, I'm sorry, I don't have any red cones or raincoats."

He'd grin, turn around and say, "OK!" and walk out.

About 50 times. I'm still not sure what he was asking for.

2. G. very inconveniently began his day at 6:15am today. He had a very inconvenient 8am client. Who can have any insight into their psyche at 8am? Psssshhhh.

3. I have clients from 2pm to 5:30pm today. Then I'm meeting an old friend whom I haven't seen since my wedding 4.5 years ago. She's in town for a memorial service tomorrow for another college friend with whom I didn't stay in touch, but spent a lot of time with in college. She's our age and battled cancer for 4.5 years. I've been dreaming about memorial services and college all freakin' week long. I plan to go to the service tomorrow and I'll probably see people I used to be very close to in college (which was way back in the late 80's for those who are keeping track). It's all very Big Chill.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm worrying about what to wear. It's not a reunion, for heaven's sake, but it is, kind of. Not that I have many choices of attire, being 34 weeks pregnant and all. I usually wear a lot of black, but black is sort of passe for a memorial service, isn't it? What's going to look suitably sober and thoughtful, yet also say, "I've made such a success of myself and am thoroughly fulfilled now"? And how shallow am I that I'm thinking about this on the eve of a (relatively) young mother's memorial service? I know the truth, though - you'd be thinking the same thing.


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