Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Vote for Pedro!*

You gotta go vote on the BOB awards.

No, sadly, Everyday Lunasea did not make the list of finalists, but I'm sure I was number 11.::::snort:::: Actually, some really awesome mommy blogs, way better than my little dusty corner o' the web, didn't make it either, so I don't feel at all sad.

I haven't voted yet because I feel compelled to check out every single finalist before I vote in a category, and that takes some time. But in my travels I've discovered some new favorites, and I'll bet you will too.

And I take personal pride in the fact that the blog I nominated for Crafty Blog, ljcfyi, is now at #3! There's a page where you can see the latest rankings, and it's updated every 15 minutes.

*See how hip I am? According to the SF Chronicle, this line references the latest teen cult favorite, "Napoleon Dynamite." Which just goes to show you...that I subscribe to the Chronicle.


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