Friday, January 28, 2005

Jaded Mommy

Another thing I appreciate about the A-Man is his sometimes over-the-top enthusiasm. He's almost two and a half, and yesterday he came into the kitchen, pointed at his feet and yelled, "Oh! Toes! Look! Toes!" I agreed, he did in fact have toes on his feet. Ten, to be exact.

Later on, as he was eating his macky cheese, he held up his arm and cried, "Oh! Look! Hand! There's hand!" if he'd lost his hand and had just about given up on finding it.

I remember, in my post-partum daze, looking at his newborn toes in wonder at how they'd managed to grow perfectly within me, despite my inability to build anything. But after over two years, I'm just not as surprised to see his toes at the end of his feet. Nor am I surprised to see "So Many Toys!!" in our family room every morning. But he sure seems to be.

He reminds me to not take toes, hands or toys for granted. Wouldn't it be great to wake up every morning and say, "Oh look! We have a bathroom! How lucky are we?" or "Oh! It's cereal!" I think it would probably get on everyone's nerves just a little, but it would still be cool.


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