Friday, February 11, 2005

Rambling Randomness

1. You know that song by Dido, "White Flag?" Until today, I thought the line was, "I won't poke my eyes out and surrender." Today I finally heard it as "I won't hold my hands up and surrender." I did think the line was a little violent the way I heard it, but I think I got the sentiment right.

2. Tonight when I kissed A. goodnight, I said, "Goodnight, sweetheart," and he said, "Goodnight, boobs!" The obsession continues.

3. Who would've thought that "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" would be the tearjerker of the season? Can anyone watch that show without clutching their chest and getting all teary-eyed? Geez, it's like "Brian's Song" every week. Did you see that one where the kids lost both parents and the designers put a stained glass skylight with two doves in the front entry to represent their parents watching over them? That was in a town near me. And the houses turn out so nice, it almost makes you wish for a tragic life. I don't think being super-pregnant and being uncomfortable at night qualifies.

I can see Ty at my house now. "Lunasea is so uncomfortable at night that she sometimes can't roll over to reach her Maalox. We're going to build a special Maalox holder right next to her pillow so she won't have that problem anymore. And we're building a special bed that will turn her automatically without a crane." :::sniffle:::

4. Last night's conversation with G, around 1 am:

G: Are you there!?

Me: Yeah, what?

G: Did you put your hat on??

Me: Um, yeah.

G: Good. Good.


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