Monday, August 16, 2004

More amusement from my baby center newsletter about my 23-month old:

"Does your toddler ignore you? He's not doing it on purpose; it takes time
and practice to learn how to listen well. Help him out by keeping your
requests simple and clear, getting down on his level when you want his
attention, and giving him your ear when he wants to talk especially when it
has to do with how he feels about something."

Hmmmm. Who are these people with 23-month-olds that talk about how they feel? Does "Dwaw Twain! Dwaw twain dwaw train DWAW TWAIN..." said in a escalating voice count? And how the h*ll do I not give him my ear when he's whining and tugging on me and demanding that I draw the 467th train of the day? Hey, I'm all for parents listening to how their kids feel about things. But when one of the parties is 23 months old, it's not exactly a therapy session.


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