Tuesday, August 31, 2004

So Long First Trimester

Believe it or not, I'm in the 12th week of pregnancy. I don't believe it, so I don't expect you to, either. I'm still terribly surprised when the doctors find someone in there. I went for a CVS last week, but they couldn't do it because of the retro-ness of my uterus (so hip, my inner organs!) and the position of the placenta, so we'll just wait for the amnio. I didn't want one the first time, but for some reason it's more important with this one. Maybe it's because all the doctors keep putting the fear of G_d in me by making such a big deal about my Advanced Maternal Age (I'll be 39 when I deliver). I'm surprised they don't suggest orthopedic shoes and a cane.

It hasn't been that bad, I guess - I've been nauseated maybe a couple of days, tops. I go to the bathroom often, but that's nothing new. But the exhaustion - that's tough. It's a bone-crushing exhaustion where my body just feels full of lead. You'd think lying down would help, but really, what happens is I lie there and think, "Now I'm horizontal and filled with lead instead of vertical and filled with lead."

In other news: I do mystery shopping every once in a while. Then I use the money to buy toys and videos for A. off e-bay. I did "a shop" (as we say in our special lingo) today at a sunglass store. I always feel bad for the poor sales clerk who is probably making just above minumum wage and isn't showing me all the FEATURES and BENEFITS of a product ("The BENEFITS arise from the FEATURES" says the shopping company - woe to you if you get them mixed up). I try to prompt them ("Are these durable? Are they dark enough for driving? Could I be any more obvious, sweetie? And you're still not figuring it out when I don't blink at the price and return them half an hour later?")

Less than one week until A. turns two. There are a bunch of gift ideas on my wish lists to the left, hint hint. And, let's not forget my birthday in less than two months. Thank you very much.


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