Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy V-Day, Y'All

The boys picked me a bowl of flowers.

They don't give out a "Best Valentine Done By a Parent" at A's school, but if they did, I totally would've won. One kid gave out pedometers because his grandma works at the company that makes them. Hah.

G. made me dangly heart earrings (no pic, sorry). I love that he makes me jewelry. He's currently working on the 5th reincarnation of the mommy bracelet he gave me lo, many years ago. It's broken again, although the bead store lady gave him steel wire that's supposed to not break, ever. When it broke I lost a few letters, and they don't have those letter beads anymore, so A. is now named "Ada."

We made cookies.

On to St. Patrick's Day! A. wants to set up leprechaun traps.


Sarah said...

You are truly blessed.

Good karma, man.

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