Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I Watch Too Much....


How do you feel about reunion shows?

1. What show would you like to see brought back for an hour or two episode, to see how the characters are doing now? (This should be a show that it might be possible to do a reunion on.)

2. Pick a show that could not realistically be brought back for a reunion, because some or all of the cast members are gone. What if they could have done a reunion before it was too late? Name the show you'd most like to see. The old Mickey Mouse Club! I'd love to see them sitting around smoking cigarettes and drinking.

3. Which reunion show have you watched and thought "Wow, they should have left that one alone!" Brady Bunch - ick. Actually, Gilligan's Island was pretty bad, too. Usually reunion shows seem like a good idea but then they just make me feel sorry for the cast.

~Bonus~ Which do you prefer- a "reunion" episode of the series, or a "cast reunion" where the actors sit around and talk about the making of the show? I was going to say I prefer episode types because I want my fantasies intact, but actually I think I like the cast reunions better - with lots of old clips. I don't think I've seen a reunion show (episode-type) that didn't make me cringe.


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