Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Lunasea Family's Holiday Newsletter

I've always written (well, since we've been married) a holiday newsletter. I like to receive them from other people, and I like to write, so it's a natural match.

But this year I'm having some trouble with it. Usually I write a first draft that is totally honest, then a second, censored, more upbeat version. I can't do the upbeat version until I purge the "real" version. But if I censor this one, there won't be anything left.

Here's what I have so far:

Hello to our family and friends!

I know it's a cliche to say the years are going by so fast, but seriously, doesn't it seem sort of freaky as you get older just how much faster time passes?

January's drama was that our pediatrician thought Ben might have cerebral palsy. He doesn't, he was just uncoordinated.

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. In February, Ben's uncoordinated mother (me) fell while playing soccer with A. and hit my head on the asphalt. Wouldn't have been a big deal except that I had a fractured skull and a blood clot in my head. Spent 3 days in the hospital but fortunately avoided surgery and am just fine now, except for the occassional forgetfu

The drama quieted down until April, when G applied for and really expected to get a transfer to Portland, OR. We started planning our move, but he didn't get the job, so that was that.

I got my first mammogram in May. Everything's clear.

A. started preschool this summer. He goes to a local Montessori school and loves it. He's made lots of new friends and says his favorite thing at school is the paperwork. The director told us "he has some trouble, um, moving." Another shout-out to the uncoordinated among us!

We took a trip to Portland, where we're not moving yet, this summer for the baptism of our great-nephew and godson, L. He's really cute and got a free blessed bib from the church.

In September, we welcomed visits from my dad, sister, niece, and great-nephew, L. They all travelled to see Middle Sister and Husband in the musical, Footloose. The show was great, and no family members were injured in the dance numbers. Since A. has finally graduated to a double bed, we had a place for our guests to sleep.

Our fall was filled with so many Halloween crafts it looked like a haunted house threw up all over everything. A. was a cow, and Ben was a frog. They continue to be as cute as all get-out.

We went to Portland again for Thanksgiving, where we all suffered from the flu and spread it to our extended family.

So. Here's to more good things happening in 2007.


Anonymous said...

The newsletter is a great idea. Best wishes for a better 2007.

~**Dawn**~ said...

what's that they say? if it weren't for bad luck, i'd have no luck at all? ;-) and really, all the "fake" sounding family newsletters are dry reading (at least in my family). this was actually fun to read (minus the OMG factor!). here's to a healthier & more graceful 2007! =)

Sarah said...

Excellent letter! Not too boastful, syrupy or maudlin.

In other words, better than any newsletter I've ever received!

Anonymous said...

It's relieving reading a good newsletter every now and then..I think they can be a fantastic way to stay in touch if written in a MODEST and ENTERTAINING manner....


Waaaay too many holiday newsletters are far too conceited, boring and outright arrogant.

I have a website that has some funny examples (both real and fiction) of holiday newsletters gone wrong:

Please email me any funny examples you have with personally identifiable information blacked out (

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