Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Party of the Century

A. came home with more plans for his birthday party. He now has the complete guest list, having spent his entire recess gathering the kids names. Three children said they didn't want to come (who are not getting any candy for Valentine's Day, btw. He may not be bothered by it, but I hold a grudge).

He wants a Charlie Brown/Peanuts theme, with a poster of Charlie Brown looking at Snoopy's decorated-for-Christmas doghouse, and we will have a game of "Pin the Star on Snoopy's Doghouse." Do they even sell Peanuts party supplies anymore?

We will have a jumpy house, according to the schematic of the backyard he's provided which shows where everything will go. There is a place to read books, a place to watch TV (which, oddly, is drawn with 50's-style rabbit ears), and a place for grown-ups because "they'll want to talk to each other." It looks a lot like the epic dinosaur party we threw just 4 months ago.

He is also very insistent, almost to the point of tears, that he really wants a whole cake this time, not the lousy little cupcakes I threw at him in years prior.

I don't know if he's trying to deflect attention from Ben's birthday in two months, or if he is really this compulsive a planner.

Oh, and I forgot to add: There's a place in his party map to make paper crowns. Because nothing says "Peanuts" like paper crowns.


And, because Ben hasn't gotten any stories lately, this from the car yesterday:

A: Ben! Why did you tear my map?

Ben: Well. I just didn't mean to tear it, A. It was a axident.

A: But why did you tear it?

Me: (suspecting Ben was not alone in the map-tearing scenario) Hey A. - did you actually see him tear the map? How did it happen? Where were you and what were you doing?*


*I have a habit of asking 16 questions at once without giving him a chance to answer any, which I'm working on.


Boobless Brigade Master said...

A man that plans.
His wife will adore her MIL someday:)

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you're writing these conversations down. They are so precious!

ConverseMomma said...

Did you use flicker Generator to make your masthead? It looks just like mine and that is what I used. If you did, you really should give Andrea Micheloni credit for it.
If you somehow made it yourself, well then pardon my intrusion. It looks great by the way.

Carrie said...

I (heart) your kids. I know that you don't post everything, like a nuclear meltdown in the middle of the store, but just given this glimpse of them, I'd still probably think it was terribly clever of them. :)

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